Articles on: Websites

The Importance of Regularly Backing Up Your Website: Protecting Your Digital Asset

Here are the basic steps to backup your website using cPanel:

Log in to your cPanel account.

In the "Files" section, click on "Backup".

Under "Full Backup", click on "Download a Full Website Backup"

Select the domain name that you want to backup.

Choose the backup destination. You can choose to download the backup to your computer or save it to your cloud storage account such as Google Drive, Dropbox etc.

Click on "Generate Backup" button.

Once the backup process is complete, you will be able to download the backup file to your computer.

Note: If you want to schedule regular backups, you can use the "Backup Wizard" feature in cPanel. It allows you to configure automatic backups on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. And also you can use third party plugin to take automatic backup of your website.

It is also important to remember that even with a backup, you should still keep your website and all of its components updated and secure to prevent any data loss.

Updated on: 18/08/2024

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